Thinking about…documentaries

Thinking about…documentaries… Documentaries….
Why are the most interesting ones on air in the middle of the night?
Whenever I switch on my TV there’s trash and even if they call the trash documentary because its about a special topic like sextoys, germans dating women in Eastern Europe or another new fashionable building in Dubai, it all remains trash from my point of view. But what happens if I just roughly switch through the channels before I intended to go and sleep?
Yes, the real documentary starts.
Behind the scenes information about workers of the United Nations, journalists traveling through Mali to uncover what’s going on with the Tuaregs there, and so on.
Topics which are not only interesting, they can also teach us to be more open minded instead of living in our small world with our small problems.
I’m keen to learn as much as possible about the whole world, see different cultures, lifestyles and traditions but it’s hard to find it on TV.
Am I so unique or what’s the reason for this? At least travel documentaries should be something which is interesting for the majority, shouldn’t it. I can and will not believe that most persons live in such a small restricted world and are happy with what they can reach within a few hours. There’s so much to discover on earth, so why should I limit myself and just stay where I am for my entire life. Isn’t that boring?
I honestly think if more would be interested in learning this world would be a bit more open to others. As long as you don’t want to learn why people are doing something you will never be able to understand. It’s easy to judge from an outside position but stepping into depths is teaching you why traditions, cultures or habits are existent and how they influence whole countries or regions.
Stay open and faithful,
Miss Faith