There’s snow in April…

There’s snow in April…

…our world seems to be upside down and still so normal.

People are buying flour and oil and pasta, as if they want to be prepared for a starvation period while others lose their homes. 

It is so ridiculous to see…

As if Covid is not enough we face one tragedy after the other and still, instead of being kind to one another there’s a slightly boiling diversity under the surface.

Equality is what we are asking for but instead once again humans are not treated the same. Haven’t we learned? Shouldn’t we know better?

What worries me most is the disappearance of natural common intelligence paired with the rising greed of wanting it all, preferably at once.

Germany declared officially the pandemic does not need any more regulations and it is insanely called freedom day in a country, that has been free all along since decades.

Who says something else may check in their mental health because no, we were not living in a dictatorship during the past two years!

In Ukraine people are devastated and the word freedom is used with the real sense of it! They deserve a freedom lifetime, not only a day, and all what happened there has been caused by dictatorship and a greedy man who can’t get enough of what? Power? Land? Money? A man who is capable of this disaster for a whole nation based on lies is no man, he’s a poor little person unable to be himself enough. He belongs to a psychiatry but instead he traumatises others.

This world has so many similar stories and whenever you dig deeper you see that the suffering of many is caused by only a few. These few are having the power but why?

Why are we not able to stand up against this injustice? Why are we not able to stop this insanity?

There’s snow in April and the world outside my window looks calm and covered and peaceful, but I know that it’s not.

One neighbour will start to clean the walkway in front of his door, the next will put salt on it and the third will walk over it until it’s firm. Some will put little stones on to prevent others from slipping but not because they care about others but because they don’t want to be sued. What world is that?

Neighbour A will not go one centimetre into neighbour Bs area because you never know how the other person reacts? Is this a true story, indeed. But why don’t we just simply talk to one another? Hearing and listening instead of guessing seems to be out these days.

We are so free that for me it seems odd.

It’s like an overdose of freedom which turns out to be the opposite of good. We love sweet treats but if we eat too much we will be sick. You know when you raise a child that you should show them limits, mostly to prevent that they hurt themselves but also to understand how to use their freedom.

If that is properly done you hope that your child turns out to be kind, to be empathic, to help others and look after where needed. That’s the plan. But this plan didn’t work out for some and they need guidance and kindness and help instead, they don’t need power over something!

A Putin is a lost soul as are so many others, it will not help anyone if he’s in power. He’s like that child who destroys the toys of others when he’s not allowed to have it himself. And that’s the dangerous part, because a child can be guided, we can be there with all of our love and support. But this man should have developed responsibility and he didn’t, as an adult you can be held accountable, so why does this not happen? 

Taking these people down is what we should do instead of celebrating them.

Everybody out there who celebrates tragedies needs to be taken down, how can we celebrate that fathers are separated from their families, how can we celebrate that children lose their homes, that women need to flee, that trains separate people by ethnicity, that political parties who clearly neglect human rights are existent, that unspeakably sick politicians rule countries. 

How could that happen? Again and again and again.

Shouldn’t humans be wiser, shouldn’t we learn instead of making it worse?

Rosa Parks would be devastated as would be Sophie Scholl, Anne Frank would tell Martin Luther King that this world is lost.

Are you raising your voice to be heard?

I ask you to stand up and look around you, are you kind? Do you do good? Are you listening and hearing what the people around you are saying? Are you using your voice to go against injustice?

We are no longer the children who learn, we are the responsible generation to stop this madness for the sake of our children!

There’s injustice? Stand up and speak, don’t let it slip away because this short moment gives the wrong-doer the confidence to do it again!

And while doing good, take care too, there’s aside of all this war and madness still a virus out there, even though you don’t hear lots about it anymore. Kindness starts when you protect others, so wear your mask and take ownership if politicians won’t do it – because we are capable of being responsible and we are in charge! If not now, when then?

Just yesterday Ramadan started and these 30 days of spirituality should be used for becoming a better person, for being kind to one self and one another. Even though I am not religious I fully support the sense behind because every one of us needs time to reflect and to evaluate where we are and where we want to be. Who are we and who do we want to be. It’s never too late to adapt and change and become better, right? So what are we all waiting for?

This world get’s colder and I no longer wonder that there’s snow in April…

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